Til I Touch the Sky……

I was shopping this morning and this song came on over the speakers. I got so completely lost in the lyrics and the timing was great. I did not not realize that I was singing so loudly until a gentleman came over from the next aisle and told me that he was enjoying my mini concert in the pasta aisle. Lol. Life is about changes, good and bad, some that break our hearts and others that enrich us in ways that we will never be the same….but the key is to make the change when you can.

Where ever you are today, if you are free as a bird or bound by the situations of life….keep striving toward newer heights. Keep soaring until you have tapped out every level of each of your gifts, talents and capabilities. There are times when life clenches down hard on each of us, but it is in those times that you have to push back even harder. Yes, it is tough, but you are building a strength that you will need and use further along your journey.

Do what it takes til you touch the sky….journey on, journey strong.
