Mother’s Day

If you have your mother on this Earth still, celebrate her and love on her. One day your hands will not be filled with candies and gifts for your mother, but rather with only a handful of flowers like the ones in the picture below.

This is the 4th Mother’s Day without my mom. This year her physical absence struck me unlike the years before. The first year I was numb. The second and third year, I just kind of went through the weekend. This year, I felt the sorrow as soon as I started seeing the Mother’s Day ads in April. Today has been tough, I miss her. I loved to buy my mom things, but I loved to give her flowers too when she was here and now…. that is all that I can give her so I still do. I spent some time at her gravesite this morning and these are the flowers I left to commemorate her time on Earth and for being my momma.

Happy Mother’s Day Momma! Thank you for giving birth to me, for raising me, for the sleepless nights you had watching over me when I was sick, for everything you did to make me who I am….thank you, I love you. Helen