No, You’re Just a Jerk

This morning I heard a radio personality on air who was talking about his “haters”.  He was contributing the fact that he has haters to his success, to his being on the move and I think that it is quite contrary.  His comedy is dry and predictable, he makes fun of people and their problems, and in my opinion he is far too opinionated to be on a national platform.  Sometimes you have haters, because you are simply….a jerk, a bum-bum booty, a real used toilet paper wad – get my point here?

I know in my life that I have had people who disliked me for no reason and then there were others who really probably were justified in not liking me.  Either way, I have found the importance in using the behaviors of others toward me as a mirror to myself and then decide from there.  Even, then I am not going to dwell on it for too long.  Keep it light and stepping….

Greater Tragedies

Sally walked in the break room fresh from the cold and you are looking for that hot cup of coffee, but….the coffee is cold.  There has been an electrical malfunction and all of the appliances are off in the break room.   The first thing that Sally does is start to fussing about nothing is right around the office and no cares anyone, blah blah blah…..


This happens in offices everywhere around the world each morning…something in some way shape or another, something has happened to the coffee.

Well to all my Sally-ies of the world let me tell you something, while you don’t have a fresh hot cup of coffee……

someone doesn’t even have water, someone slept out in the cold last night, a child was molested, someone was shot, someone was killed, a pet died, a loved one passed away, someone is homeless, someone is hungry, a child doesn’t feel safe, a wife was beaten, someone is hungry, someone lives in the midst of a war, someone was kidnapped and trafficked for sex, someone is blind, someone is deaf, someone is paralyzed from a car accident, someone is struggling with cancer….someone is wishing that they had the job that you have right now and would gladly do without the coffee.

Sally….there are greater tragedies in the world and what you should do instead of complaining about being without coffee is to be thankful that you are not experiencing one of them right now.


A smile means absolutely nothing if your thoughts and intentions are bad.  Don’t get me wrong, I love to smile, but I hate to force it. When I do it is real and nothing is hiding behind it.  I may not smile a lot, but there is peace in my soul and I mean you no harm.

Some Kind of Way

Ya know….lately I have been feeling some kind of a way.  Sad, but not completely sorrowed.  Angry, but still able to laugh at life.   Heartbroken, but grateful for what will never be.  I feel peace in my soul, but in the midst of that is a passioned fire that runs deep causing me to feel every revolution in and outside of myself.  I know that change is needed in this world and carry the burden of still hands that are not yet part of making those changes happen.  I am not one to ever pretend that I have it all together and I think that is okay.  All I know tonight is that I am feeling some kind of way……

See With Your Heart

There are amazing people in this world.  Some of these amazing people don’t look like you, talk like you, and may not even have the same beliefs as you, but you will never know how amazing they are because your eyes tell you one of two things:

1) Either you are too good to bother with them, or

2) You don’t measure enough to bother them and their time

I have entertained those thoughts many times and now wonder how many opportunities, friendships, inspirations, etc. did I miss out on?  Who could I have blessed?  Who could have possibly been a blessing to me?

In the days ahead my friends, don’t listen to your eyes, instead see with your heart and begin to reach out a little more to people.  Even if you start with just saying a simple hello to someone that you would otherwise not acknowledge.  Safety first and use good common sense!  As much as there are good people in the world there are also those who really do have bad intentions and will harm you.  It is those people that often cause other to “shell up” and not bother much with the world, but this is also no way to live and enjoy life.

See with your heart!

I’ll Be Back

This is not about revenge this is about being put in a bad situation that was meant to destroy you, but you overcame where you were thrown, where you have been disregarded and chalked up to not even matter.  Not only did you overcome it but you conquered the very thing that was supposed to conquer you. I challenge you today to overcome those places in your life and find your way back because I will tell you what…..I am on my way back leading the pack from where I have been! Press on!

Which One Is It?

Sometimes we stand on the pathways of life just…..pondering.   I am thinking at this point that I am either too nice, too forgiving, or just a darned fool.  Now which one is it and really does it even matter at this point?    I think what matters is that I tried to do the right thing,  yeah, I tried.

At the end of the day, I am satisfied with the fact that I try to keep my heart in the right place.

Take Some Sushi With Ya…

Last year I attended a chef’s table where we were served gourmet sushi.  It was fabulous!  Never in a million years would I have ever have thought that I would have acquired a palate for such a tasty treat, but well, here I am thinking about sushi with a touch of wasabi…yummy.  Sometimes we get so comfortable existing in our bubble that we disregard that life is happening on the outside. I am grateful for the new mind and heart to want to go different places and to try new things.  Don’t get me wrong, there are limitations to good clean livin’ now – so don’t go buck wild! lol  I challenge you today to live, try something new and allow each moment to enrich you and deepen your journey, and uh hey… take some sushi with ya!

Your Destined Path

You can stand in someone else’s shoes, but you will never wear them like the person that they were meant for.  Find your own path, walk out your own destiny…anything short of that, is a life that has been cheated.