Water Cycle

I wonder who touched, drank, or perhaps swam in the same water I drank today? A dinosaur, an ancient Indian, perhaps Jesus… the water cycle is truly amazing.


Eyes opened: I am never impressed by how “highly” someone might speak of me or another person, it is not their words that matter but it is how they actually regard you in matters that counts.

Don’t Look Like the Problem

I used to live here for a long time.   I have learned the hard way that you can be completely right about something but also be completely wrong by how you respond to the mess. At the end of the day after the explosion you are left with fingers pointing at you. “Awww, did you see what she did?”, “Did you see how she looked?”, “What’s wrong with her?” , “Ewww, she got problems”. The real problem never gets dealt with when you become a by-product of the problem. It is easier to point at the weeds than to deal with the roots.

Thank You

I have thoroughly learned the importance of having an enemy. Thank you for every lie that was told and for the lies that you continue to tell. I even thank you for the spirit of division that was cast and for the remnants that are still scattered. Thank you for every person you brought into your web of deception but was made to believe that I was the spider. Thank you for every laugh and giggle projected at my pain. Thank you for doubting the validity of my walk with God. Thank you for every word that you spoke against God’s purpose for me. Without resistance, strength is seldom gained…. and really, I just want to say… thank you.

Does Anybody See Her?

Why are people so cruel? Saw a woman at lunch who obviously has more issues than me and most other people. Tattered clothes, missing teeth, bright pink ratted hair, her head hung low…people were laughing at her and they weren’t even trying to be discreet about it. She walked up to a table of a group of laughing women… she said “its okay I saw you laughing at me, my hair was supposed to be red but it turned pink instead, I saw you laughing” then she walked away from them. The women of course reacted totally repulsed that she even came near their perfect little bubble. This woman ordered a bagel and started walking back out the same way she came in, with people still looking at her is disbelief all the while chuckling among themselves. She stopped by my table and said ” my hair was supposed to be red not pink” I didn’t even see her hair at that point, all I saw was hopelessness in her eyes. I have NEVER seen that depth of hopelessness, this woman was lost and my heart literally ached for her.  All I could say was. ” you are not your hair, you are not what you wear.  God doesn’t want any of that, he wants your heart, your thoughts, let him take care of your heart. ”  She looked at me with the same hopeless look and said, “K” and walked away.  

I am not sharing this to pin roses on myself.  I am not so great and most days I am a step away from the edge …. but God is a keeper!!!  I love this song by Casting Crowns.  People are hurting in the world, Lord knows I have experienced my own, perhaps you are hurting right now, and this woman….this woman with the pink ratted hair…….well I wonder wherever she is ….does anybody see HER?  Not her hair, not her clothes, but does anybody SEE HER??????

Walk It Out

It is easy to tell someone else how they should “walk in a pair of shoes” that they have never tried on themselves-therefore it can never be known what it takes for some to put one foot in front of the other each day and walk…some things are just easier said than done.