A Church Prop

The picture below is a traditional pulpit.  It is not a prop, it is not a weapon by which people can be destroyed by being preached on rather than inspired by the Word of God. This pulpit  is not a place to play dictator to those who trust you for healthy leadership.  This is not the edifice by which to womanize or draw people into what you are NOT only to leave them broken while you continue to bring deliverance to others and just leaving the very people that you hurt for spoils.    We are now living in a time where people think that being a minister or pastor is hereditary rather than an actual calling from God.  Just because your grandfather’s grandfather’s  grandfather on both sides of the family were both pastors does not necessarily mean that you should be. This pulpit is an entrusted place.  It is sacred and unfortunately far too many in and out of the pulpit have forgotten that. I am not saying that the person that stands behind this has to be perfect, but can we at least say that we are yielded and acting according to God’s perfecting power?  Only the people that stand before this and stand behind this can bring the reverence back to what this really is and until that happens people are only going to see a piece of wood,  a bookrest, a prop…..not a place of power by which the Word of God is delivered and people are transformed.

May God be with us all….