Water Cycle

I wonder who touched, drank, or perhaps swam in the same water I drank today? A dinosaur, an ancient Indian, perhaps Jesus… the water cycle is truly amazing.

Labor of Love

I so completely love this song that is sung by Point of Grace.  This song paints such a vivid picture about Mary giving birth to Jesus.

I am so glad that Mary did not act a fool when the Angel came upon her and told her what was to come in the weeks and months ahead.  I am sure that she wasn’t completely thrilled, but with a yielded heart she walked out this magnificent purpose that God ordained especially for her.

The song speaks of Mary and Joseph, and then describes the baby in her womb as the …..

Maker of the Moon, the Author of the Faith, one that can make the mountains move…..wow this makes me wonder…. what I am holding in my spiritual womb that has yet to be birthed?  What are you holding dear friends that will affect your community, the nations, the world?    While it is an honor to be used of God, sometimes we are not completely thrilled, it is uncomfortable and  inconvenient.  Talk about inconvenient, Mary was to be married to Joseph and then boom!  She is pregnant.  Joseph probably looked at her crazy at first and you know how towns people are….creating a past that you were never even an active participant in and you have to live with the lies.  Ohhhh, but the grace that is bestowed by God!

Sometimes we don’t even think that we can do what we are being called to do.  The absolute truth is that you will not experience the grace until you start walking it out.  God’s grace is not active in our hesitancy, His grace becomes active when we begin to fulfill the purpose that He has laid before us.  He gives us the grace to do what he has purposed…..

Think…..what is your labor of love?

Sweet Addiction

Last Friday, I stood at the vending machine watching the smokers go out for their mid morning fix of nicotine.  I scoffed at them and thought to myself, there they go to kill themselves.   I made my selection, E7 – gotta get that Kit Kat Bar!  As I took the bar out of the drop slot, I looked at the Snicker bar and thought that I might want that too and then it hit me……….

This revelation hit me soooo hard I wanted to run away immediately.  How can you run away from a truth that is wrapped all around you?

The revelation is that I am an addict. My addiction is not nicotine, sex, heroine, or alcohol….it is food.

I use food the same way that a junkie would use a drug… to escape, to escape whatever I can’t or won’t deal with.  I eat my emotions, happy, sad, disappointed, anger, frustration, worry…..

I weighed myself on Saturday night and in disbelief I just stood there thinking about how I could have gotten to this point.

It ends here.

Being overweight is the most visible sign of not being in control of an area of your life.  I have taken that control back!  Food is not a comfort, it is not my friend, it does not end heartache….food is not a band-aid for life.  Food is nutrition for your body and you have to be selective about what you eat.

Since Saturday I have lost almost seven pounds and I am so excited to keep this going.  I am ready to shed this heavy garment and start to look and feel sexy again….yes I said sexy!

Before I sign off here, let me ask you this…. Do you struggle with your weight?  If so, what are you eating?  Guilt, anger, hurt, frustration, loss…..

Step 1:  The next time you snack on something ask yourself if you are hungry or self-soothing with food.

This is a journey, a process – so this blog is not going to end here….there is more to come on the way back to a healthier you.

-7lbs and counting