Spirit of Giving

The holiday season or what is often called the season of giving is coming to an end.  During the month of December thousands of people had warm fuzzies across the world as they gave to those who have less than most other people.    Hunger does not end at Christmas, abuse shelters and homeless shelters still have needs beyond Christmas, and a child that is living at a local children’s home would still appreciate a toy or coloring book beyond the season.  What am I rambling on about?

It is this….please consider allowing the spirit of giving to continue in your life through the remainder of the year and into the next.  Yes, there are people who take advantage, but there are a lot more people who don’t and so many times those are the people who never ask for help.

Find a cause that you are passionate about, one that gives you butterflies and help that cause.  You don’t have to help everyday or not even every week.  Perhaps once a month or once every few months…. as long a you give.

Come on, let;s keep those warm fuzzies flowing.  Any act of kindness or thoughtfulness counts!

Season of Giving…All Year Round

The holiday season or what is often called the season of giving is coming to an end.  During the month of December thousands of people had warm fuzzies across the world as they gave to those who have less than most other people.    Hunger does not end at Christmas, abuse shelters and homeless shelters still have needs beyond Christmas, and a child that is living at a local children’s home would still appreciate a toy or coloring book beyond the season.  What am I rambling on about? 

It is this….please consider allowing the spirit of giving to continue in your life through the remainder of the year and into the next.  Yes, there are people who take advantage, but there are a lot more people who don’t and so many times those are the people who never ask for help. 

Find a cause that you are passionate about, one that gives you butterflies and help that cause.  You don’t have to help everyday or not even every week.  Perhaps once a month or once every few months…. as long a you give. 

Come on, let;s keep those warm fuzzies flowing.  Any act of kindness or thoughtfulness counts!

This Sweet Addiction

Last Friday, I stood at the vending machine watching the smokers go out for their mid morning fix of nicotine.  I scoffed at them and thought to myself, there they go to kill themselves.   I made my selection, E7 – gotta get that Snickers Bar!  As I took the bar out of the drop slot, I stood there holding two Snickers Bars in each hand, then it hit me…..

This revelation hit me soooo hard I wanted to run away immediately.  How can you run away from a truth that is wrapped all around you?

The revelation is that I am an addict. My addiction is not nicotine, sex, heroine, or alcohol….it is food.

I use food the same way that a junkie would use a drug… to escape, to escape whatever I can’t or won’t deal with.  I eat my emotions, happy, sad, disappointed, anger, frustration, worry…..

I weighed myself on Saturday night and in disbelief I just stood there thinking about how I could have gotten to this point.  

It ends here.

Being overweight is the most visible sign of not being in control of an area of your life.  I have taken that control back!  Food is not a comfort, it is not my friend, it does not end heartache….food is not a band-aid for life.  Food is nutrition for your body and you have to be selective about what you eat.

Since Saturday I have lost almost seven pounds and I am so excited to keep this going.  I am ready to shed this heavy garment and start to look and feel sexy again….yes I said sexy!

Before I sign off here, let me ask you this…. Do you struggle with your weight?  If so, what are you eating?  Guilt, anger, hurt, frustration, loss…..

Step 1:  The next time you snack on something ask yourself if you are hungry or self-soothing with food.

This is a journey, a process – so this blog is not going to end here….there is more to come on the way back to a healthier you….. and me.

A Great Christmas Memory

Christmas Memories…..
Just a wee tot sitting in my wooden rocking chair square in front of the TV, orange/green plaid bell bottoms, orange turtle neck, and my very fashionable brown leather boots. My dad was bringing in goodies from my Aunt Helen’s house…oh the smells of cookies and huge oranges and apples. I looked around at the tree, felt the warmth from the fireplace, heard my parents in the next room…and then this commercial came on that I will never forget. It always bring back such wonderful memories of feeling safe, warm, and completely loved…..

I Love Being A Girl!!!!

I started taking belly dance classes many years ago, but I stopped because a trusted friend told me that belly dancing is a sin.  Well, I think it depends on what you do with the art.  I just loved the movement and how it connected with my femininity.  I was not going to dance at clubs, parties, or in public, just for me and well maybe a spouse one day (blushing….) So, I started taking lessons again.  Last evening the instructor showed the group this video and said that this should be our goal in our own unique way.
What – this lady is an incredible dancer!  I can take that challenge though and will enjoy the wait loss that is coming with it.  Belly dance may not be for everyone, but it is an outlet for me and one that really makes me glad that I am a lady (in my Shenaynay voice  lol).

Bottomline:  Continue to find things that you enjoy and do them.  Belly dancing is controversial in some circles but again, it is what you do with it that makes the difference between a hobby and going to confession!
