My Hope In You Alone

Too many people put contingencies on God. I will serve him if I get this, or I will do this if God blesses me with that. Brats. How many parents would reward their children for doing absolutely nothing? Not many, well at least not many good parents would. The same is with God. He is an awesome Father, but he is not going to just pass out blessings for disobedience. Why is it that the people who acknowledge God the least, expect the most from Him?

The words of this song spoke to me in such a grand way. It sums up how I feel about God even in the midst of tears or in the sunshine of my happiest moments, I know that God is my only Hope. Beyond what I see, beyond what I feel, He is my Everything.

Is he your everything? Even if you don’t get that job, that husband, the wife of your dreams….will He be your everything?

When the car is broken down, when the kids are sick or when illness looms at your door, is He your everything?

When times are good, when money is flowing, and the wind is at your back, do you remember who created that wind and still recognize that in the middle of abundance wealth, health, love…..that all of that is nothing without the everything-ness of God? (yes I just made a word lol)

I could go on forever, but this song is truly the anthem of my heart for this season in my life and probably for many more to come. Enjoy.